Anbros Financial offers complete and creative solutions to satisfy todays complex real estate financing requirements. We work with our lender/investor base to ensure we bring forth and present financing structures that satisfy the needs of our borrower clients in a cost-effective manner. Though there are established lending guidelines, we understand that every deal is unique and therefore a simple loan to value (or loan to cost) calculation is not the 'end all be all' credit metric for loan adjudication.
Over the years, the list of sectors that we have financed has grown to include non real estate based businesses. Though such financing opportunities are explored based on risk adjusted merit basis, our primary focus is and continues to remain in financing the following real estate asset classes:
For additional information, please send an email to or get in touch with a member of our Mortgage Origination team.
- Zoned lands (Commercial, Residential, Retail and Industrial);
- Unzoned lands slated for development;
- Future development lands (slated for development over 5 years);
- Long term lands bank holdings.
- High Rise Residential (for sale and rental apartments);
- Low Rise Residential (cost to complete loans, servicing facilities with building revolvers);
- Equity Financing: Mezzanine Loans and Equity Joint Ventures;
- Retail Plazas, Industrial Buildings, Commercial Centers, Office Buildings;
- Places of Worship;
- Data Centers;
- Owner occupied structures with specific build requirements.
- Inventory loans secured against completed residential condos;
- Inventory loans secured against completed low rise housings;
- Inventory loans secured against completed unsold industrial, commercial and retails condominium units.
- Infill low rise development (can be built without presales in major urban markets);
- Custom homes builds (both for sale and owner occupied). For additional information on our standardized custom home lending programs, click below.
- Apartment Buildings;
- Stand-alone buildings / Pads (both owner occupied and for 3rd party tenants);
- Retail Plazas, Industrial buildings, Commercial centers, Office buildings;
- Retirement Homes;
- Gas and Service Stations.
Copyright © 2008 - 2025 Anbros Financial Corporation - All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2020 - 2025 AFC Mortgage Administration - All Rights Reserved.
FSRA Mortgage Brokerage License #12611
FSRA Mortgage Administration License #13269
4 Robert Speck Parkway, 15th Floor
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L4Z 1S1