Before a potential loan opportunity turns into an investment opportunity that we bring forth to our investor base, the prospective loan must undergo a rigorous credit evaluation and sensitivity analysis process. We operate under the mandate that principal security is sacrosanct and cannot be exposed regardless of projected yield.
Anbros Financial offer's mortgage participation and investment opportunities to the below types of investors. Please note we reserve all rights to decline investor(s) should their risk profile be inconsistent with that of the firm.
We only provide mortgage investment opportunities to Designated classes of lenders and investors as defined in section 2 of Ontario Regulation 188/08 Mortgage Brokerages: Standards of Practice.
1. An individual who, alone or together with his or her spouse, has net assets of at least $5 million and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.
2. An individual who, alone or together with his or her spouse, beneficially owns financial assets (being cash, securities within the meaning of the Securities Act, the cash surrender value of a life insurance contract, a deposit or evidence of a deposit) that have an aggregate realizable value that, before taxes but net of any related liabilities, exceeds $1 million and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.
3. An individual whose net income before taxes in each of the two most recent years exceeded $200,000 or whose net income before taxes in each of those years combined with that of his or her spouse in each of those years exceeded $300,000, who has a reasonable expectation of exceeding the same net income or combined net income, as the case may be, in the current year and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.
4. A non-individual, who is an Entity (Corporation/Trust/Partnership), that has net assets of at least $5 million as reflected in its most recently-prepared financial statements and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.
We provide mortgage investment opportunities to family offices looking to deploy investment capital and into well structured and managed mortgage investments in either an A position, B position, or Pari-passu ranking.
Family offices looking to onboard with Anbros Financial are required meet the criteria of Designated classes of lenders and investors as defined in section 2 of Ontario Regulation 188/08 Mortgage Brokerages: Standards of Practice.
Our loan servicing group, AFC Mortgage Administration Inc., allows intuitional investors to participate in our fully administered mortgages. For additional information, please contact:
Arjun Anand
Head of Mortgage Investments
T: (647) 931 - 1738 ext. 701
Copyright © 2008 - 2025 Anbros Financial Corporation - All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2020 - 2025 AFC Mortgage Administration - All Rights Reserved.
FSRA Mortgage Brokerage License #12611
FSRA Mortgage Administration License #13269
4 Robert Speck Parkway, 15th Floor
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L4Z 1S1